Value Assessment for migrating your on-premise OCR solution to SaaS

We are happy to get your feedback.

As your strategic partner in finance and procurement transformation, our goal is to enable you to leverage the latest technology to support and optimize your business processes. Transitioning to Tungsten AP Essentials, the successor of Tungsten ReadSoft Invoices, presents an opportunity for you to:

  • Increase productivity
  • Simplify your way of working
  • Stay up to date through continuous developments
  • Work compliant with e-Invoicing mandates

Through this assessment, we will help you gain insights in the readiness for transitioning to the cloud-based solution Tungsten AP Essentials. Furthermore, we will conduct a e-Invoice compliance check and map current and upcoming e-Invoicing mandates to the countries where you conduct business.

We ask you to take a few moments of your time to fill out the short questionnaire below. Based on your feedback we will present you whether a migration to AP Essentials is feasible from a technical and financial point of view. In addition to that we will present a personalized e-Invoice compliancy radar.


When the questionnaire has been completed, we will return to you with a case for deploying digital transformation, additional ROI and roadmap.

Your Answers