Dynatos styleguide

In this styleguide you’ll find all official logo’s, colors, fonts en other style elements considering the guidelines of the Dynatos brand. Please make use of the styleguide to make sure you are using approved brand-elements.


The Dynatos logo consist of multiple color variations were the preferred versions are “gradient color” for a light-background and the “white” versions for a dark-background. The logo-kit contains, Digital (RGB) and Print (CMYK) versons, in multiple sizes. Long and short versions of the logo are included.

  1. Logo gradient color;
  2. Logo dark;
  3. Logo white;
  4. Logo Digital;
  5. Logo Print;


These fonts must be used in any form of communication, both have an OFL license and can therefore be used in commercial applications free of charge.

In headers we make use of the “Oxygen” font and for regular text we use “Open Sans”.



The Dynatos text lay-out consists of multiple Oxygen header sizes, styling and distances. As so, the regular Open Sans text size and distance.

H1 Headline

  • Font-family: Oxygen
  • Font-size: 2.2em
  • Line-height: 1.4em
  • Bottom-indent: 5px
  • Font-weight: bold (700em)
  • Font-style: regular

H1 Subtitle

  • Font-family: Oxygen
  • Font-size: 1.5em
  • Line-height: 1.4em
  • Top-indent: -5px
  • Bottom-indent: 5px
  • Font-weight: normal (400em)
  • Font-style: Regular

H2 Headline

  • Font-family: Oxygen
  • Font-size: 1.75em
  • Line-height: 1.4em
  • Bottom-indent: 5px
  • Font-weight: bold (700em)
  • Font-style: Regular

H2 Subtitle

  • Font-family: Oxygen
  • Font-size: 1.25em
  • Line-height: 1.4em
  • Top-indent: -5px
  • Bottom-indent: 5px
  • Font-weight: normal (400em)
  • Font-style: Regular

H3 Headline

  • Font-family: Oxygen
  • Font-size: 1.25em
  • Line-height: 1.4em
  • Bottom-indent: 5px
  • Font-weight: bold (700em)
  • Font-style: Regular

Regular text

  • Font-family: Open Sans
  • Font-size: 0.938em
  • Line-height: 1.563em
  • Bottom-indent: 2.0em
  • Font-weight: normal (400em)

Unordered list

  • Font-family: Font Awesome
  • Content: \f058
  • Font-size: 30px
  • Padding left: 30px
  • Line-height: 1.0em
  • Color: #ff8e00

Ordered list

  1. Font-family: Font Awesome
  2. Font-size: 1.063em
  3. Padding left: 30px
  4. Line-height: 1.0em
  5. Color: #ff8e00

Color palette

Gradient Blue is the primary house color and is used for the logo and to color large areas. Furthermore, the grey and dark shades are used as supporting colors and for typographic use. Finally, you can use orange as an accent color.

Dyn Text Headers

RGB: 26, 26, 26
CMYK: 73, 67, 65, 78
HEX: #1a1a1a

Dyn Text Regular

RGB: 51, 51, 51
CMYK: 69, 63, 62, 58
HEX: #333333

Primary colors

Dyn Gradient Blue

RGB: 0, 140, 211 -> 0, 221, 211
CMYK: 79, 34, 0, 0 -> 62, 0, 27, 0
HEX: #008cd3 ->#00ddd3

Dyn Blue

RGB: 0, 140, 211
CMYK: 79, 34, 0, 0
HEX: #008cd3

Dyn Orange

RGB: 255, 142, 0
CMYK: 0, 53, 100, 0
HEX: #ff8e00

Dyn Background Grey

RGB: 232, 232, 232
CMYK: 8, 6, 6, 0
HEX: #e8e8e8

Dyn Light Grey

RGB: 247, 247, 247
CMYK: 2, 1, 1, 0
HEX: #f7f7f7

Dyn Dark Grey

RGB: 153, 153, 153
CMYK: 43, 35, 35, 1
HEX: #999999