All You Can Beat With E-invoicing

E-invoicing is crucial in today’s business and is a must-have for organizations that have enhanced big data, e-commerce and analytics as part of their business strategy. e-Invoicing enables significant efficiency gains and improves one’s competitive position in the market. A study from Billentis reveals that the switch from paper to electronic invoices boosts cost savings up to 6,60 euro per invoice.

Now, “short, sweet and to the point”, what else can you beat with an e-Invoicing solution?

Cash in your pocket

Improved Cash Management! The order-to-cash cycle-time is reduced and the need for external financing is minimized.

Focus on meaningful actions

E-Invoicing significantly decreases human interventions, manual mistakes and delays. Working Time – the most valuable resource – can be invested in more analytical and add value activities.


Instant overviews of all invoices that were sent and received. Spot errors and handle them right away.

Happy customers

Save time for customers (the receivers of your invoices). No manual input is needed in their financial system. Their procure-to-pay cycle is reduced and, last but not least, you help –indirectly- to speed up the process of getting paid.

Social contribution

Make an impact on society. By becoming a paperless organization, you make a contribution to preserve the environment.

Simplify life. Build meaningful relationships with business partners.  Save the environment. Join e-Invoicing!

Ream more about E-invoicing platform our E-delivery platform or get-in-touch with us to provide you the best solution for your business.

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